Метод пишет в лог ShrePointa
//запись в системе логирования
private void WriteLog(string category, string message, Exception ex)
SPDiagnosticsService diagSvc = SPDiagnosticsService.Local;
//SPDiagnosticsCategory cat = diagSvc.Areas["SharePoint Foundation"].Categories["MPRUsers"];
SPDiagnosticsCategory diagCat = new SPDiagnosticsCategory(category, TraceSeverity.High, EventSeverity.Error);
SPDiagnosticsArea diagArea = new SPDiagnosticsArea("SharePoint Foundation", new SPDiagnosticsCategory[] { diagCat });
diagSvc.WriteTrace(0, // custom trace id
diagArea.Categories[category], // create a category
TraceSeverity.High, // set the logging level of this record
"{0} - {1}", // custom message
new object[] {message, ex.ToString() } // parameters to message
Пример вызова
catch (Exception ex)
WriteLog("Категория", "админ френдли сообщение", ex);
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